New Year’s resolutions are very hard to follow. I feel like people,
myself included, give ourselves these hopes that we will change and be better
people and be healthier and happier, but it’s more complicated than that.
Unless you make a plan of how you are going to execute your resolution and stick
to it, then you most likely won’t see the change you wanted in yourself. Props
to those people who can stick with their New Year’s resolutions because a lot
of people can’t. Most people will give up because it’s “too hard” or it takes
too much time, but if you really wanted to change something about yourself, you
could. You are the only one that can change you, whether that means changing
your body or your attitude, only you can do that. Excuses are the biggest
reason for not making something happen. We use excuses to make it seem ok that
we didn’t do something we wanted to do. It takes dedication to change and you
have to really want it otherwise you will just give up.
My New Year’s resolution for 2016 is going to be no more excuses.
I always find myself making excuses for myself and it’s not ok. You have to
really want to do something/change something and be strong enough to carry out
that action and not do it half way and give yourself the excuse that you tried,
but that’s not good enough. For example, if your resolution was to lose weight
and you’re at the gym and you only do half the workout, that’s not going to
help you, just do the whole workout now, yes it sucks but you will be so much
happier in with your results in the end if you just do everything now. Don’t give
yourself the excuse of “at least I did half of it, instead of not doing it at
all”, yes that’s true at least you did something rather than nothing, but just
do it all right now. Your result will come faster if you do everything.