Thursday, December 3, 2015

Skipping Classes

I know not everyone loves coming to school. It’s not that we hate school, we just don’t always like the learning part. I know it’s very inconvenient to wake up early every day and go sit in a classroom for the next seven hours while a teacher talks at you and then gives you a ton of homework that you have to do when you get home as well. For these exact reasons, kids skip class. We’d much rather stay home all day ten go to class and get more work. We think “oh it’s just one day, I won’t even miss anything,” but in reality, the net day you just have twice as much work and you probably didn’t do anything while you were at home the day before, so you might as well have gone to school.

Skipping class is a very bad habit to get into. The more you start to skip classes, the less you actually like that class, and the more likely you will be to skip that class even more. Missing school really sucks because you don’t know wat you did in any of your classes while you were gone and now you have work to make up and you don’t know what you’re doing. Then, a test rolls around and you have no idea what is going on and you bomb it!

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