Monday, September 28, 2015


We're all at school for one reason, because we have to be. Some people enjoy being at school and some do not. Some enjoy the learning, others do not. Some like school because their friends are there and they like the social aspect of it. We all have different opinions and feelings about school, but the point is that we're all there for what seems to be forever. Since this is the case, why can't we all just get along?

High school students now-a-days tend to be all about their friends and their things and not care about other people and the things they like to do. Now-a-days people are all about themselves. People stopped caring about others for some reason. Kids these days make fun of kids for being a "nerdy" or for being a "geek" or liking school, but why? Most likely, these kids get a sense of satisfaction from bringing others down and making fun of them.

I don't understand why we feel better about ourselves when we bring others down. I'm guilty of this as well as many others. Is it because we are insecure about ourselves? That if we point out someone else's flaws, it will take away from our own? That it'll distract everyone from the fact that we're not perfect? We've heard a million times, that "nobody's perfect", but why do we all keep insisting on trying to get there, to be perfect? What's so wrong with being different? I don't have an answer to any of these questions, but I wish I did. These questions are constantly floating around my mind, looking for answer or an understanding as to why I am the way I am or why people do the things they do, just to "fit in".

Everyone's different. We're all our own. We like different things and that's okay. If everyone were the same, everything would be so boring. There would be nothing special in the world if everyone liked the same things and did the same things. I think we all know this, but yet we're all so insecure about ourselves. We're all going through these same feelings and insecurities as we try and find ourselves in this world. We have each other, were still in high school, we're around people every day that are going through the same things as us. Just because we're all different doesn't mean we aren't going through similar things. Use each other to get through these insecurities and in the end I bet you come out the other side having overcome the things you never thought you would, along with a best friend or two beside you.

"Getting Caught Up"

High school is the prime time for kids to become young adults. Our bodies change, our thoughts change, and everything changes. In a sense we become a whole new person, or the person we are meant to be. High school is also the time when you discover your true friends.

I've learned that a lot of the time people have hidden intentions when they're talking to you. Some of the time they are just pretending to like you or be your friend because you have something they need or want. People aren't always honest about things, little white lies snow ball and create more and more lies. I've read that rumors are spread by someone who is jealous of you or by someone who can't compete with you. Rumors are spread by insecure people and are believed by naive people. Rumors could be spread by your closest "friends", the people who know you the best, and the people you often trust and tell everything to, but may not have your best interest at heart.

Not everyone spreads rumors, but people talk behind each other's backs. I've witnessed first hand, "best friends" talking behind each other's backs. The things we say about the other person may not be bad, but does that make it okay? Our best friends are supposed to be the ones we tell everything to, the ones we do everything with, but how can we do this, if we are afraid of what they might say when we are not around. We may not ever know for sure what people say behind our backs, but true friends will always tell you when someone else is talking about you, or they should. True friends stand up for each other, they have each other's backs.

You are lucky if while in high school you've made true friends. Parents often say that you probably won't keep in touch with your friends from high school. My mom, for example, still talks to and hangs out with a few of her best friends from high school, but other than that, she doesn't keep in contact with other people from high school.

We all get caught up in this drama we call high school. We blame each other and fight with each other and say we're not friends, but in the end is it going to matter anyway? In a few years we will have graduated high school and college. Our friends are going to move away and start their lives. We should cherish the time we have left while were all so close, before it's too late. High school shouldn't be about who's the prettiest, who has the nicest clothes, or who has the best boyfriend; it should be about making true friends, about creating memories and friendships that will last a life time. We can't get caught up in the little things and let this time pass us by.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My thoughts on SMART lunch

There is some controversy over whether or not SMART lunch is a good or a bad thing. I think the staff at Kennedy is trying to decide whether or not to go back to our ABCD lunch or to keep SMART lunch. Kids are able to get some if not all of their homework done during SMART lunch, because it's so long, as well as eat lunch. ABCD lunch is only 20 minutes long, just barely long enough for everyone to get their food and eat it. The lines in the lunch room are very long and hard to get through them in a short amount of time.

Last year (sophomore year) I used my SMART lunch time to sit in the cafeteria and eat my lunch, then get as much homework done as I could. Third trimester I had double zero hour through sixth hour and then dance team and or track after school. I didn't have a lot of time to get my homework done, so SMART lunch was a great benefit to me. I would be productive and get help from my teachers when I needed it. I could also go in and make up tests or quiz that I had missed.

I know quite a few people who are or were in the same situation as I was in last year, where they had a full schedule and used SMART lunch to their advantage and got work done. The controversy is due to those who do not use SMART lunch to their advantage. Some kids just sit in the cafeteria and talk for the full hour and do nothing productive. Or some juniors and senior just use the hour to leave school and go do something then come back. Staff talks about how people don't use their SMART lunch time, but I think they are just looking at the kids who don't use it, they're not looking at how many kids attend tutorials or go to the library and actually work on their homework.

I don't think we should take away SMART lunch because of the people who don't use it to their advantage. It's their fault they aren't using the time to get work done, they're just going to have to take time out of their night later and do it. I love SMART lunch, I think it is a great addition to our school day!

"Rules" of SMART lunch

SMART= Students Maximizing Achievement, Relationships, and Time.

SMART lunch was a two year contract Kennedy High School signed for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. The first year of SMART lunch was 80 minutes long, but this year it is 60 minutes long. This period consists of two 30 minute "tutorials", tutorial 'A' and tutorial 'B' during which students can go to their teachers and get extra help. Teachers have assigned "tutorials", two a week either 'A' or 'B'. If students are not attending a "tutorial", which they are highly encouraged to do, they may go to the cafeteria and get lunch, or go to the library, or go to the gym. 

Freshman and sophomores are not allowed to leave campus during SMART lunch, as it has always been, but juniors and seniors are allowed to leave, but under some restriction. Upperclassmen may only leave for SMART lunch if they meet the requirements of the "SMART lunch sticker". Students only apply for a "SMART lunch sticker" if they had no D's or F's for the previous term or half semester. If they do not meet this requirement they are not issued a smart sticker and therefore cannot leave. If you meet the requirement you have to get a permission slip signed by a parent or legal guardian in order for you to get the sticker giving you permission to leave. As you leave the building at the beginning of SMART lunch you have to show your ID with your sticker on it. If you do not have a sticker, you are not let out of the building.

However, there are ways around this "SMART lunch sticker". Parents are able to call into the attendance office at the school and dismiss you from school. If this is the case, you are brought a "pass" to one of your classes that says you are leaving at this time. If you are being called out during the lunch period, as you leave the building you show them the pass that you have been "called out" and they will let you go. This is the only way underclassmen are able to leave during lunch. Teachers and staff don't like when underclassmen are "called out" during lunch, because it goes against the rule of only upperclassmen being allowed to leave during lunch, but there's nothing they can do about it because the parent called and excused their child.


It seems like everywhere you look someone is on their phone. Now a days high-schooler's lives seem to revolve around their phones and social media. Twitter is a huge app., used by 974 million people. A lot of those users are likely to be high school students and young adults. Personally I don't know very many adults that have a Twitter, it seems to be just younger people.

"Twitter is addicting." I would agree with that statement. Everytime I get on my phone I check my twitter, I don't always "tweet" but I check my "news feed." Twitter is an easy way to stay connected with your friends and it is a great way to voice you opinions. Twitter allows you to say what you want, as well as allowing people to respond to what you said.

High school students are very passionate about somethings, like their school, for example. Football season is a huge time when kids talk about their school and how great they are. They also talk about other schools and how they might be "better" than them.

Last Friday, September 25th, CR Kennedy played CR Jefferson at Kingston. The whole day prior to the game, kids were "smack-talkin" the other school to Twitter. Jeff kids were saying that they would "Punch anyone wearing green or gold (that day)" and how they couldn't wait to beat us that night. Jeff thought they would beat us because they had beaten us in the years before so they thought they could talk smack. I didn't see as many Kennedy kids talking about the Jefferson kids until after the game. People were giving Jeff kids a hard time because they had talked "crap", but we beat them 35-7.

Personally it makes me mad when I see people talking "crap" on Twitter. To me it just seems like they are trying to be cool and get alot of "favorites" on their "tweet." There's a difference between voicing your opinion and be mean or rude to people.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Cheering at Football Games


This is something very important to the students and staff of Kennedy High School, especially this 2015 season. This year the Cougars are doing amazing, so far we are 4-0. We beat Iowa City West, CR Washington, North Scott, and Pleasant Valley. Tomorrow (9/25) we play CR Jefferson. They're a big rival and barely beat us last year, pulling ahead in the last few minutes of the game. We are determined to beat them this year!

The students at Kennedy love to come out to the games and cheer on our Cougs! This year our student section is called The Jungle. We are louder and bigger than ever. We are a huge support to our players and we "help" out our team. The football players really appreciate us all coming out and supporting them. They all say that our cheering pumps them up and gets them going for the game. They wouldn't be able to do it without us.

The seniors especially are huge on cheering. They say if you're not cheering than you need to leave. If you are at the game, you might as well cheer with everyone else. The more people that cheer, the louder we are, the more we pump up our team and intimidate the other team. The seniors get really mad if they see people not cheering. They will call you and your friends out in front of everyone and tell you to cheer. Save yourself the embarrassment and cheer along with everyone else.

 Student sections sometimes even cheer back and forth to see who's section is louder and which school is "better." The seniors stand in the front of the student section, then the juniors, sophomore, and freshman. We need everyone cheering! Usually the upperclassman are the ones that cheer the most and the loudest. After football games I don't have a voice, I have a headache, and sometimes I can't talk the next day because my throat hurts so bad. There's no exception for the freshman and sophomores. If you're at the game, you need to be cheering! There's no reason you can't cheer. Support you team and show your love for them.

This year the boys are all about FAMILY. They are very close and rely on each other, which makes them great on and off the field! The Jungle is the same way. We are a family who comes together to support our teams!

Freshman Year

High School.

Such a scary word to some younger kids. Transitioning from middle school to high school is either very scary or very exciting for people. I remember when I was in 8th grade I could not wait to get out of middle school, but I was also a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect.

The first day is kind of nerve racking for everyone. New classes, new teachers, new building, and most of all there's about three times as many kids than you are used to. After the first week of school things start to become routine and you get the hang of things and its not so scary anymore.

Freshman year is great, you're just getting the hang of high school and you meet all the people you're going to be with for the next 4 years. Classes aren't very hard and the teachers are very flexible and cooperative. One thing freshman never really learn until they are sophomores is to walk in the hallways. They don't understand that you can't just stop walking in the middle of the hallway to talk to your friends because there is 100 people trying to walk behind you and get to class on time. Some freshman learn this after a few times because when they stop, the people behind them will just keep pushing them forward and make them keep walking. Some freshman don't learn as quickly though, you always have those few kids that like to stop in the middle of the foyer and take their time to talk to someone. I'm sorry but you CAN'T do that! Nobody cares that you want to talk to your friends or that you have to tell someone something quick. We all have places to be, you just saw your friends 52 minutes ago, nothing is that important that you have to stop the flow of traffic and talk to someone. If it's that important, text them!

Freshman are also very immature, they just spent the last 3 years around 12 and 13 year olds and now they're around a bunch of 18 year olds so they don't really know how to "handle" high school or how to act yet. High School is the next step before the "real world," you have to learn the proper ways to act, you can't just mess around and be loud and obnoxious anymore. Upperclassmen will hate you if you're annoying and do immature things especially in the hallways.

Basically if you're a freshman and you don't stop in the hallways and you aren't super annoying and immature, you'll be fine in high school and if you aren't, you'll learn! :)