There is some controversy over whether or not SMART lunch is a good or a bad thing. I think the staff at Kennedy is trying to decide whether or not to go back to our ABCD lunch or to keep SMART lunch. Kids are able to get some if not all of their homework done during SMART lunch, because it's so long, as well as eat lunch. ABCD lunch is only 20 minutes long, just barely long enough for everyone to get their food and eat it. The lines in the lunch room are very long and hard to get through them in a short amount of time.
Last year (sophomore year) I used my SMART lunch time to sit in the cafeteria and eat my lunch, then get as much homework done as I could. Third trimester I had double zero hour through sixth hour and then dance team and or track after school. I didn't have a lot of time to get my homework done, so SMART lunch was a great benefit to me. I would be productive and get help from my teachers when I needed it. I could also go in and make up tests or quiz that I had missed.
I know quite a few people who are or were in the same situation as I was in last year, where they had a full schedule and used SMART lunch to their advantage and got work done. The controversy is due to those who do not use SMART lunch to their advantage. Some kids just sit in the cafeteria and talk for the full hour and do nothing productive. Or some juniors and senior just use the hour to leave school and go do something then come back. Staff talks about how people don't use their SMART lunch time, but I think they are just looking at the kids who don't use it, they're not looking at how many kids attend tutorials or go to the library and actually work on their homework.
I don't think we should take away SMART lunch because of the people who don't use it to their advantage. It's their fault they aren't using the time to get work done, they're just going to have to take time out of their night later and do it. I love SMART lunch, I think it is a great addition to our school day!
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